September Eleven 1683

The Day of the Siege September Eleven 1683 ItalianSettembre 1683, Polish title Bitwa pod Wiedniem, literally The Battle of Vienna is a 2012 Englishlanguage Polish and Italian historical drama film based on the 1683 Battle of Vienna and directed by Renzo Martinelli. The film was released on October 12, 2012.

It took ten years to raise the films 13,000,000 budget. In addition to the theatrical version, the filmmakers have prepared a longer version to be released on television as a miniseries. Filming began in April 2011, with support from backers in Austria, Poland and Italy, with RAI supporting with 5.8 million euro, and another million euro from the Friuli region.The titles allusion to the Septemberattacks is intentional. Director Martinelli explained that while that date is associated with the attacks on the United States, few people know that the date also marks the historical events of 1683 when 300,000 soldiers moved from Istanbul to Vienna with an intent to capture Rome and turn St. Peters Basilica into a mosque. ........

Source: Wikipedia